Wed., July 31, 2024, 4-9 p.m. or Thur., Aug. 1, 2024, 7 - 8 a.m.


Rules & Regulations

While the greatest possible care will be taken by the management to protect patrons of the Dodge County Fair, each individual will be held personally responsible for his or her own actions, and the management will not be responsible for any accident or injury incurred to any person or persons on the fairgrounds or in connection with the fair.

  • Board of Directors of Dodge County Agricultural Society, Inc., reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these Rules and Regulations, and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard thereto or otherwise arising out of, connected with or incident to the fair.

  • The promiscuous distribution of advertising matter is strictly prohibited, and no tacking of advertising matter on buildings will be permitted. Exhibitors may distribute advertising matter from their places of exhibit only.

  • No person will be allowed to do any soliciting on the fairgrounds unless permission is obtained from the Fair Manager and the required fee paid.

  • All possible diligence or care will be exercised to prevent loss or injury to articles or animals on exhibit, but the MANAGEMENT OF THE FAIR WILL IN NO WAY BE RESPONSIBLE SHOULD LOSS OR INJURY OCCUR.

General Guidelines

  1. All Dodge County residents are eligible to exhibit.

  2. No entrance fee will be charged for any article or exhibit.

  3. All premiums will be paid within 10 days after the fair unless by unavoidable cause the receipts shall not be sufficient, in which case they will be prorated and paid accordingly.

  4. No charge will be made for parking automobiles, but they must occupy space set aside for that purpose. The Fair Board will not assume any liability for any automobile or its contents.

  5. In open class a blue ribbon is denoted first premium, red ribbon second premium, and white ribbon third premium. In the agricultural department, fourth premium is pink. Superintendents will attach premium tags or ribbons as soon as awards are made.

  6. All articles must be entered in their proper classes.

  7. Articles not listed in this premium list will be entered for premium, except as otherwise provided.

  8. Articles that have won premiums in previous years will not be awarded again.

  9. All articles must be completed and must be the work of the exhibitor.

  10. NO EXHIBITS will be allowed to be removed before 6:30 p.m., the last day of the fair.

  11. Premium money will be paid in cash at the Fair Board office.

    • Premium winners will be issued a certificate by each department superintendent. Certificate must be signed by the exhibitor in the presence of the cashier before being pain.

    • All exhibitors having premium money coming should collect it before the close of the fair.

  12. PARADE RULES: No candy, treats or gifts of any kind may be thrown, tossed or distributed from any moving vehicles in the parade.

Entry Day

  • Entries for Open Class shall be made on Wednesday, July 31 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Thursday, August 1 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.


  • All rules and regulations will be rigidly adhered to unless it is shown that an unavoidable accident prevented the arrival of exhibits as expected.


  • All protests must be made in writing and accompanied by a deposit of $5.00, which will be forfeited if the protest is not sustained. Such protest must state plainly the cause of complaint or appeal and must be filed with the Secretary of the fair by 12:00 noon of the last day of the fair.

  • Where a protest is to be made against an article in any class, notice of the same must be filed with the superintendent of the department before class is passed upon, that the judge may be instructed to place reserve award, that premium may be properly distributed in the event the protest is sustained.

Project Information